Division of Language and Culture Education
CMD体育_cmd体育平台@に入学してきた学生の皆さんは、外国語を履修している間、ほぼ毎日のように語学教育推進室を訪問していただくことになります。必修科目であるELP(English Language Program)1-6、選択科目であるELP7-10、選択科目ESP(English for Specific Purposes)1&2は、この語学教育推進室を中心地点として、CALL教室と普通教室で行われています。また、英語以外の言語(韓国語?ドイツ語?フランス語?中国語)の授業も、同じく、CALL教室と近くの普通教室で行われています。担当する教員は、CMD体育_cmd体育平台@専任教員と非常勤講師です。語学教育推進室は、円滑な語学授業の運営を支える部署となっています。
(1) CMD体育_cmd体育平台@で行われている語学授業のサポート
(2) 多読用書籍貸出
(3) 自主学習のサポート(eラーニングを含む)
(4) TAによるスピーキング指導
(5) CMD体育_cmd体育平台@
(6) TOEIC L&R IP任意受験者に対するテスト実施、および、TOEIC L&R IPの模試?
The Division of Language and Culture Education’s Staff and Faculty
(Alphabetical order)
室長 Director | 末岡 浩治 SUEOKA, Kouji | 情報工学部 教授 Professor, Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering |
副室長 Vice Director | 関根 紳太郎 SEKINE, Shintaro | 保健福祉学部 教授(英語) Professor, Faculty of Health and Welfare Science (English) |
ブルネリ アンソニー BRUNELLI, Anthony | デザイン学部 准教授(英語) Associate Professor, Faculty of Design (English) | |
デスマレス エリック DES MARAIS, Eric | 保健福祉学部 准教授(英語) Associate Professor, Faculty of Health and Welfare Science (English) | |
風早 由佳 KAZAHAYA, Yuka | デザイン学部 准教授(英語) Associate Professor, Faculty of Design (English) | |
パトリック ケリーPATRICK Kelly | 語学教育推進室 非常勤特任講師(英語) Specially Appointed Lecturer, Division of Language and Culture Education | |
語学教育推進室 Information Desk | 山砥 由里子 YAMATOGI, Yuriko |
Mastering English to Connect with the Global Information Society
The Division of Language and Culture Education supports the development of students’ practical English skills through a wide range of services. Self-study resources can be accessed anywhere and anytime through both the campus LAN and WiFi.
Support for Extensive Reading
Our office has a wide range of books available for Extensive Reading through our lending library. The books cover all levels of reading, from introductory-level picture books all the way up to chapter books, and, with a wide variety of topics and themes, there is something for everyone. Teaching Assistants help students pick books that match their level and interest. Books can be checked out one at a time for two weeks.
e-Learning and Other English-Study Support
Throughout ELP 1-6, a variety of e-learning tools support student self-study outside of class. Our office also manages the OPEN VOICE speaking test.
Other English-Study Support Materials
We also offer other resources to support foreign language acquisition. You can stop by and listen to English radio programs and read weekly English newspapers that have explanations in Japanese.?
Speaking Practice with TAs
From Monday through Thursday, Teaching Assistants are available to help students learn effective language learning strategies and to provide conversation practice.
Hosting a “Speakers’ Corner”
In November, we hold an event in which students give presentations in the foreign languages they are studying (English, Korean, German, etc.) Students are free to choose whatever topics interest them, and our teachers support them as they develop and practice their presentations.
Support for Language Proficiency Examinations
Language Proficiency Examination Study Materials
We provide various study materials for language proficiency examinations such as Eiken, TOEIC L&R, TOEFL, and JLPT. We also provide practice examinations for the TOEIC L&R.?
TOEIC L&R IP (TOEIC L&R Institutional Program)
3times a year (in May and July and February), we proctor the TOEIC L&R. Information about the tests (time & date, locations, application process) are handed out in ELP classes and posted on bulletin boards both in our office and around campus.?
Use of the Center during vacations
Even during summer and spring vacations, our office is open to support self-study through e-learning, extensive reading, and language proficiency examinations.