授業科目名(和文) [Course] |
保健福祉学特論Ⅲ |
授業科目名(英文) [Course] |
Health and Weifare Science Ⅲ |
学部(研究科) [Faculty] |
保健福祉学研究科 |
学科(専攻) [Department] |
栄養学専攻 |
担当教員(○:代表教員) [Principle Instructor(○) and Instructors] |
○荻野 哲也 自室番号(6409)、電子メール(togino**fhw.oka-pu.ac.jp) 田中 晃一 自室番号(6212)、電子メール(ktanaka**fhw.oka-pu.ac.jp) 増田 雅暢 自室番号(6607)、電子メール(masuda**fhw.oka-pu.ac.jp) ※利用の際は,** を @に置き換えてください |
単位数 [Point(Credit)] |
2単位 |
対象学生 [Eligible students] |
博士前期課程院生 (栄養学専攻、保健福祉学専攻) Master's course students (Nutritional science, Health and welfare science) |
授業概略と目標 [Course description and Objects] |
This omnibus lecture is intended for foreign students and covers diverse subjects including life science, nutritional science and social science. |
到達目標 [Learning Goal] |
The goal of this lecture is that students understand and can explain each subject in detail. |
授業計画とスケジュール [Course schedule] |
1-5: Life science in health and welfare 6-10: Nutritional science in health and welfare 11-15: Social science in health and welfare |
成績評価方法と基準 [Grading policy (Evaluation)] |
The credit will be granted if students attend the class, and submit reports as instructed. |
教科書 [Textbook] |
Learning materials will be provided by each lecturer. |
開講年度 [Year of the course] |
27 |
備考 | Detailed class schedule will be given on request. |