授業科目名(和文) [Course] |
英会話Ⅱ |
授業科目名(英文) [Course] |
Communicative English Ⅱ |
学部(研究科) [Faculty] |
全学教育 |
学科(専攻) [Department] |
コミュニケーション |
担当教員(○:代表教員) [Principle Instructor(○) and Instructors] |
○三上 ジュディス 自室番号() |
単位数 [Point(Credit)] |
1単位 |
対象学生 [Eligible students] |
情報システム工学科A、スポーツシステム工学科 各1年次生 |
授業概略と目標 [Course description and Objects] |
様々なクラスルーム?アクティビティを通じ、話すコミュニケーション能力と書くコミュニケーション能力の両面を伸ばしてゆく。英会話Iに引き続きTOEIC testのリスニングの演習を行う。スピーキングとライティングの比重は概ね70%と30%である。This course focuses on further development of oral and written communication skills through various classroom activities. TOEIC test listening practice will be continued throughout the course. Speaking and writing practice will be divided approximately 70% and 30%. |
到達目標 [Learning Goal] |
1.短い会話等のためのlistening, speakingが緊張せずできるTo be able to listen and to respond in English with some ease. 2.やや短いプレゼンテーションに慣れるTo get used to short presentations. 3.日記?手紙やプレゼンテーション原稿等、少しまとまった文章が書けるようになるTo be able to write short notes or paragraphs, such as diary entries, letters, presentation notes, etc. 4.TOEIC testのlistening partの演習を積み上げてゆくTo continue TOEIC test listening practices to further develop listening comprehension. |
履修上の注意 [Notes] |
Students should be prepared to be active in class. English will the language of choice in this class and students will be expected to be present, to be on time, and to try. |
授業計画とスケジュール [Course schedule] |
1. Oreintation - Expections of Class, Explain assignments, self introduction and interview the teacher. 2. Listening + Speaking - Topic Food 3. Listening + Speaking - Topic Family, writing assignment #1 (India) 4. Listening + Speaking - Topic Sports, Group Assignment Explanation 5. TOEIC reading assignment #1, group assignment planning, reading 6. TOEIC reading assignment #1 short test, Listening + Speaking - Topic Music, Halloween 7. Listening + Speaking - Topic Marriage. Language quiz 8. Listening + Speaking - Topic Movies. Writing Assignment #2 (Alaska) 9. TOEIC reading assignment #2, Listening + Speaking - Topic Restaurants 10. TOEIC reading assignment #2 short test, Listening + Speaking - Topic Animals 11. Powerpoint group presentations 12. Powerpoint group presentations 13. Powerpoint group presentations 14. Listening + Speaking - Topic Dating 15. Exam Explanation and preparation 16. Final Exam |
成績評価方法と基準 [Grading policy (Evaluation)] |
Listening + Speaking = 20% TOEIC reading assignments = 20% Powerpoint group presentations = 30% Final exam = 30% |
教科書 [Textbook] |
Nothing |
開講年度 [Year of the course] |
25 |